

Have you reached a career plateau at your current firm, or are you unclear about what it takes to get to the next level? Do you feel disconnected from your organization or find yourself wondering if anyone still cares? 你的个人生活被工作占据了吗?

Consider a fresh start at Redpath and Company, and don’t leave your next move to chance. Make an intentional career decision; find balance, 重新设定你未来的愿景, 联系更紧密. Whether you’re an early career experienced professional or a long-time partner, 我们想听听你的意见!



You pursued a public accounting career for a reason—you had passion and excitement. 记住那些感觉? 想要找回那些美好的感觉? Join a firm with a clear vision for the future set by a new and dynamic 领导团队.


Redpath developed TAP (人才咨询计划) to help ensure your long-term success. 除了你的直接上司, you are assigned a TAP advisor who is held accountable to helping you develop the skills to enjoy a long, 成功的事业. With a documented career growth guide and path to partner process, you will understand what it takes to get to the next level. This is your new team of accountability: No more silos. 不再漫无目的地徘徊,不知道接下来会发生什么. This is your support network and backbone for future career growth.


为什么公司规模对你的职业生涯很重要? 因为, 用一个聪明的, 公司成长的战略方针, you get to maximize opportunities to realize your own ambitions without feeling lost in the shuffle. And growing strategically also ensures our culture is not compromised—but augmented and preserved. 我们的目标是继续增加我们的团队, 创造更多令人兴奋的机会, 并为你建立一个更强大的支持网络.


如果你有创业精神, then you will be drawn to our diverse client base which exposes you to large, small, and multigenerational companies in a wide variety of industries. We focus on low- to middle-market organizations from $20M to upwards of $400M, plus. You will have the opportunity to wrap your arms around your client’s full financial picture and directly see—and FEEL—the difference you make in their personal and business lives. We don’t just pursue any and all clients—we focus on the best prospects and are intentional in our client onboarding decisions to help ensure a great fit for you and for the firm.




生活(和工作)之道!) By

友好的. 随意,但野心勃勃. 合作,但不残酷. 连接. 支持. 人类. These are just a few of the words and phrases that other firms use to describe our culture. 我们并不是那样做的. 我们的员工做到了. And you can add your own descriptors when you join the team.


We truly believe you CAN have a personal life and work in public accounting. No one deserves to be worrying about late nights and work that continues to pile up with no end sight. We understand that if you’re constantly thinking about your job when you’re supposed to be taking time off to recharge, you won’t be as effective and excited about your next challenge. With generous time off benefits and hours requirements, you can rest assured that you truly can find balance—even in public accounting. 


连接, 建立关系, and regularly bringing the entire firm together for annual events is a hallmark of our culture. This includes long-standing traditions of visiting with family and colleagues at a professional baseball game, taking the afternoon off for our annual TopGolf outing, participating in firm-organized nonprofit service work, or enjoying the company of coworkers at our annual meeting—an event dedicated to celebrating our year’s accomplishments together! 





你准备好转换了吗? 你是否符合我们的核心价值观? If so, you may have what it takes to be a Redpath and Company team member. Our values are the foundation by which we measure performance and our people:

Redpath核心价值观是我们是谁的声明, 我们如何工作, what clients can expect—and what we can expect from each other.  In other words, they best describe our culture and what we believe. Our Core Values are cascading, meaning they are all linearly connected.

例如,如果我们关心,我们就会承诺. If we are committed, we will continuously work to improve. 如果我们不断进步,我们就会有信心. 如果我们有信心,我们就会联系在一起.